Strength in numbers - capitalising on collaboration

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During uncertain times, it helps to have a life raft, especially as a new or young business. At Recruitment Entrepreneur, the value we offer to portfolio partners goes far beyond our funding or even our expertise – it’s being part of something bigger. The advantages of this are wide-reaching, from reduced costs for shared services, to being surrounded by a collegiate community of like-minded, industry-leading entrepreneurs to learn from.

Perhaps most important though is the collaboration opportunity across the portfolio. Joining our portfolio means joining a wider group made up of 30 brands, 35 CEOs and over 375 specialist consultants across 25+ industries. As a group, we’ve built a major international presence – last year alone, we made placements in 53 countries, within a significant client base. Capitalising on this group dynamic, client reach and case studies can have a huge impact on your business development and the talent solutions you can offer clients from day one. You remain a niche specialist, yet with the extensive networks and resources of a much bigger generalist firm to draw upon.  Within the group we also have extensive MSP/RPO and bid management capability.

Our portfolio partners work collaboratively together, sharing clients and encouraging organic business development. As our partners are specialists, often they’ll be working with a client who has talent needs beyond their remit, but which are aligned with another one of our partners’ verticals. Introductions and recommendations such as these are an invaluable asset to businesses just starting out, lessening the pressure on the founders to go out and pitch for new business. Across the group, our partners work with over 450 clients and growing. As part of our broader group offering, we can offer tailored solutions in partnership with our specialist RPO and MSP provider. This allows our clients to enjoy the benefits these models deliver, together with a unique supporting supplier base made up completely of niche specialists.

Business development has never been more important than in this current trading period. Clients you’ve worked with previously may have been forced to enact recruitment freezes or even redundancies. Working collaboratively with other portfolio partners gives you insight on who in the market is hiring, as well as a warm introduction if you have the capability to support them. Our industry landscape is changing, and clients’ internal capability is also changing. Business leaders are planning for the future, likely looking for more solution-led partnerships and new ways of working.

Our portfolio partners regularly work collaboratively together to support clients. We are seeing a greater interest in our broader group capability and as a result our group’s bidding has never been as high. The Founding Directors at Hayward Hawk Technology, Stephen McDowell and Richard Waterson, share how they’ve won business through this approach.

“One of the biggest benefits of being within a group like RE is the fact that we work alongside businesses that are market-leading specialists in their respective markets. That brings an opportunity to leverage relationships and for direct introductions between other group brands and clients. Already this year we’ve worked on multiple opportunities with four other brands in the group – 360 Search, Urban Connect, EliteCyber and Meraki Talent – which has delivered GP for our business and theirs.”

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